
Santa Maria Taco meal kit

Number of packages maximum 2 kg
€ 7.18 € 6.59
In stock
  • Brand: Santa Maria
  • Description: Santa Maria Taco meal kit (288 gram)
  • Reference: 1250-0004
  • Shipping Weight: 338 gram
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Ta­co Shells Ma­ïs­meel (80%), zon­ne­bloem­olie, zout Ta­co Sea­so­ning Mix Krui­den (chi­li­pe­per (11%), ko­mijn (10%), knof­look (6,3%)), drui­ven­sui­ker, ui (19%), zout, ore­ga­no (4,4%), gist­ex­tract, aard­ap­pel­zet­meel, aard­ap­pel­ve­zel, an­tik­lon­ter­mid­del (si­li­ci­um­di­oxi­de), krui­den ex­tract (pa­pri­ka) Ta­co Sau­ce Mild To­maat (63%) (ge­plet­te to­maat, to­ma­ten­pu­ree), wa­ter, ui, groe­ne chi­li, zout, ma­ïs­zet­meel, al­co­holazijn, krui­den en spe­ce­rij­en (chi­li­pe­per, knof­look, ko­mijn, ko­ri­an­der, cay­en­ne­pe­per, ore­ga­no), zuur­te­re­ge­laar (ci­troen­zuur).